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Resurrection Ascension Commemorative Walk
at the Blessed Mother’s Garden
We are grateful to all who purchased a commemorative brick as a lasting tribute to a loved one – living or deceased – in our Commemorative Way at the Blessed Mother’s Prayer Garden.
This beautiful shrine is located to the right of our church entrance, please come by and offer a Hail Mary, spend some time in prayer and meditation.
These dedicated bricks help us create lasting memories, of those who have “paved the way” in your life and in the life of our parish.
As always, thanks so much for your support and generosity`
Welcome to our parish website: We are a Catholic worshipping community in the heart of Rego Park, Queens, NY. Please join us for Mass, we are following all the necessary protocols and we will be happy to see you in church!
Bienvenido al sitio web de nuestra parroquia: Somos una comunidad católica en el corazón de Rego Park, Queens, Nueva York. Los esperamos en la celebración de la Santa Misa. Estamos siguiendo todos los protocolos necesarios y esperamos verlos en la iglesia pronto.
Please help support our parish, click here to make your donation.
Thank you and God bless you
Click here View the Mass Live
on this site.
You can also visit our
Resurrection Ascension Church Facebook page
to view the Mass live,
Misa en vivo a traves de este sitio web o nuestra pagina de Facebook por medio de los enlaces arriba.
We encourage to register and become a parishioner
Thank you and God bless you.
Les motivamos a que se inscriban en nuestra parroquia.
Muchas Gracias y que Dios le bendiga.